Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

About the PNAS Member Editor
Name Takahashi, Joseph S.
Location The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Primary Field Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience
Secondary Field Systems Neuroscience
 Election Citation
Takahashi pioneered the use of forward genetics and positional cloning in the mouse as a tool for the discovery of the genes underlying neurobiology and behavior. His discovery of the mouse and human Clock genes led to a description of a conserved circadian clock mechanism in animals. He presently uses genetics to approach complex behaviors such as learning and memory.
 Research Interests
The long-term goals of the Takahashi laboratory are to understand the molecular and genetic basis of circadian rhythms in mammals and to utilize forward genetic approaches in the mouse as a tool for gene discovery for complex behavior. We have focused our attention on three areas: 1) identification of circadian clock genes and assignment of their function in the molecular mechanism of the circadian pacemaker; 2) analysis of central and peripheral circadian oscillators using real-time circadian reporters; and 3) identification of genes defined by mutations isolated in large-scale mutagenesis screens. We also work on the structural biology of circadian clock proteins and on genome-wide analysis of transcription factor binding and gene expression using next generation sequencing. Recently, my laboratory has focused on two new areas of research: 1) the role of circadian timing in aging and longevity, and 2) the circadian biology of the parasitic diseases, sleeping sickness and malaria.

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